Jackie and Jett
Dear Fellow Horse- Lovers,
I'm so blessed to have Susan as a trainer for my horse, Jett, and myself. I was 9 years old when my parents bought Jett. He was only 5 months old. His mother refused nursing him, so he was a slow grower. Before I was able to ride him, he had a few medical issues. His hind-legs knuckled forward, and our vet told us he would probably have to be put down. She suggested we take him to UC Davis to see if they could help him. He had a fifty fifty chance, but, luckily, they healed him! When Jett was 3 years old he got a cut on his back lower leg which turned into proud flesh. The proud flesh lasted a year-and-a-half and I had to wrap his leg every other day. I tried many creams that the vet recommended to use, but they didn't help at all. His proud flesh was getting bigger. We took him three times to the vet to get it cut off, but it kept growing back. The vet said I should limit movement because when wrapped, the bandage rubs on the proud flesh which makes it grow even more. Finally it healed when Jett was 4 1/2 years old.
My mom had heard amazing things about Susan from a lot of different people. She was known for taking on problems that other trainers couldn't deal with, including training herd-bound horses to become independent and rely on their owner. For the first couple lessons, we brought Jett with our gelding to comfort him while getting used to the new area. Not only did Susan train my horse, but she taught me the horse's perspective and that I needed to earn his respect. She taught me his body language so I could understand him more and could figure out what he was feeling. She taught me that Jett was relaxed when he lowered his head, licked and chewed, and this tail was relaxed and not crimped. By understanding him, the bond between Jett and me grew. Jett was so herd bound that he would get so wound up, he wouldn't listen to anybody. Once Susan laid eyes on Jett, he had such respect, he would obey her. She wouldn't let him get away with anything. She was really firm but always gentle. Soon Jett came alone without our gelding and we'd have our lesson. Our routine was free lunging with the inside and outside turns, and lunging with the rope which worked on flexing his rib cage and having his head bent towards me. Every lesson, Susan would teach me something new to work on at home. Gradually, I was gaining Jett's respect. After three months of lessons every other week, my parents paid for Jett to stay at Susan's for a month-and-a-half. Susan, so kindly let me visit Jett any time I wanted. Since I went to school all day, she would often wait to train Jett later in the day so I could watch and learn. She always made time for Jett and I to have our private lesson every week. By the third week, I rode Jett for the first time! We walked and trotted around the pen. Susan taught him to stop immediately after sitting back in the saddle. It was the best feeling to know that I'm riding the horse that I grew up with for the very first time! Not only did Susan train Jett to ride under saddle, but she got him used to tying to the tree patiently for hours. In the next few lessons, I was cantering Jett, moving the hind-quarters, backing him up, and side passing a few steps. If it was raining, I would come over and have my lesson in the indoor arena. The amazing thing about Susan is that she really takes time for her clients. Soon the month-and-a-half was over and Jett came back home.
The first week he was home, I rode him over 25 miles!! My mom and I went trail riding at Lake Natomas and he crossed the bridges there with no problem. We rode to Cronin and the beach at Granite Bay. Jett has became the best trail companion I could ever have! I now train Jett by himself in our arena with our other horses out of sight, and he is completely fine. Since he is a young horse, Susan told me that I should always work him before I get on to ride. I recommend Susan with all my heart, She is the best trainer in the world!!! She is funny, kind, patient and caring.
Susan is THE horse whisperer!!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH SUSAN!!!!
- Jackie