Susan Wirgler is an expert horsewoman. She understands horses, and she understands people. I started taking lessons with her a year and a half ago to work on confidence issues and basic horsemanship. Two wrecks had left me scared to ride and terrified to lope. At first, I held my breath during lessons, and more than once I cried when I got off. (I only found out later she was worried she might be doing something wrong because I was always so serious when I rode! At that time, every ride felt like a life and death battle.)
Working with Susan has helped me get my confidence and joy of riding back. She started slowly and went at my pace, taking me through a series of exercises to teach me to control the horse and show me that I had the skills and ability to do it. She knew when to back off and when to gently push me. No matter how scared I was, she was always there with a positive attitude when I could not be. She's trustworthy, honest, and sincere, which are priceless qualities in a professional trainer. With Susan's help, I am loping again and I'm looking to buy my first horse. I am becoming a horsewoman in my own right!
- Karen
Susan Wirgler