Thank you from Jeanne and Dancer
I had an awesome day, learned alot, gained confidence in my self and in handling Rio- we are both very happy, proud campers tonite!! I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your methods of training and teaching. You have a gift and are using it to empower those of us- who don't have it , and I am grateful that our paths have crossed... --- I learn so much from you and feel safer, happier and more energized that I CAN DO this!! YEAH!
-Jeanne, 2011
What can I say but THANKS!!!- I am so happy to finally be riding as I have desired for so many years- Still have a lot to learn- but lots of milestone under my belt since I started working with you and I appreciate you and your patient teaching.... Have I NOT said that before?? just want to make sure you hear it again, and again!! Love it!!
- Jeanne, 12/7/2011
Susan, thanks for the awesome lesson yesterday- loved every minute of it-- You have a great "teaching gift"-- and I am a willing and grateful pupil!!
- Jeanne, 11/23/2011
Susan, I am sitting here in my cozy living room -- feeling ever so good about how things went today for me and my gal, Dancer. I am proud of her and of me for the great strides we have made and I (again!) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Listening to you each time I am with you- your message rings a bit deeper and I learn something from you every time listening to you and observing you with other horses. One of the greatest messages I come away with each time is consistency- consistency,-- you are so consistent with each and every horse. You set them up to succeed -- makes sense to them and makes sense to me! Your wee little voice rings in my ears as I try to emulate your movements and consistency. We both thank you for that!!
- Jeanne (and Dancer), 10/9/2011
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
Susan Wirgler